Udemy Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports

Udemy Aerospace Engineering Airplanes, Airlines and Airports
Udemy Aerospace Engineering Airplanes, Airlines and Airports

Understand how Airplanes generate Lift, how Airlines and Airports operate and what is Aerospace Engineering today by: Lluís Foreman. Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports. The Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports Course is a multidisciplinary course where you will study aerodynamics, mechanics and engineering of Airplanes, the Operation of Airlines and Airports and what Aerospace Engineering looks like Today. My intention is that you get a good overview to what Aerospace Engineering is Today, focusing on Aircraft Design and Dynamics but also getting a complete insight into Airlines and Airports.

We will discuss topics such as Aircraft types, Flight Mechanics and Maneuvers, Aerodynamics concepts, TurboFan Engines, Airline Models and Businesses, Airport Operation as a function of the number of passengers per year and much more! I want you to fully grasp and comprehend Aerospace Engineering and to break it down from Complex and Broad to Simple Key Ideas. I want you to feel confident when working with Aerospace Engineering projects in the future or when discussing topics with other people. I deeply encourage you to begin this journey into Aerospace Engineering, you won't regret it! If you have any doubts during the course contact me and we will solve any questions that may arise!

Who this course is for?

- Those who are looking to know more regarding Aerospace Engineering.

- People who want to understand how Aircraft Fly and their main components.

- Those who want to work with Aerospace related Projects in the future confidently.

- Anyone curious who is looking to comprehend the basics of Aerospace Engineering.

- Those curious about the Operation of Airlines and Airports.

What you'll learn?

- Understand the Basics of Aerospace Engineering.

- Identify the type of Aircraft suited for each mission.

- Visualize the key design elements for Airports.

- Understand how Airplines Fly and key parameters.

- Comprehend the complexities of a Airline Economic Model.

- Distinguish Commercial Aircraft.


- Basic Physics (High School Level). Not mandatory.

- Interest in Aerospace Engineering.

Course content

- Presentation.

- Introduction and Structure.

- Basics of Aeronautics.

- Classification of Aircraft.

- Aerodynamics: Airplane Forces.

- Lift and Drag Description.

- Jet Engines Operation.

- Control Surfaces of an Airplane.

- Airline Description and Business Models.

- Airline Strategies.

- Airport Description and Elements.

- Airport Types and Operation.


Markus Mueller: "Well done. Teacher is talking around flaps at some point and refers to a previous discussion around those, which was not part of the course. Not a big issue but flaps are only discussed at one point".

David N Lyonga: "Great experience I got from this course. I look forward to such interesting areas as Non Destructive Testing level i-3, and in Advanced composites in Aerospace Assembly. warm regards!".

Japhet Adabadji: "This course is very efficient for absolute beginners in aerospace domain everyone should do it. In only two days I understand more about airplanes than I have understood during all my past life but I encountered some problems after finishing the course to get my certificate".

Udemy Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports

eduedueduedueduedueduedueduedueduedu: Udemy Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports
Udemy Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports
Understand how Airplanes generate Lift, how Airlines and Airports operate and what is Aerospace Engineering today by: Lluís Foreman. Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports. The Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports Course is a multidisciplinary course where you will study aerodynamics, mechanics and engineering of Airplanes, the Operation of Airlines and Airports and what Aerospace Engineering looks like Today. My intention is that you get a good overview to what Aerospace Engineering is Today, focusing on Aircraft Design and Dynamics but also getting a complete insight into Airlines and Airports.
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