Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android

Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS Android
Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS Android

Learn how to create a realtime Socket IO Chat App with React Native and Socket IO! by: Stefan Hyltoft. Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android. Learn how to create a Chat App from scratch using the newest JavaScript-based fullstack technologies! You will first learn quickly how to create a public chat room that any user can join from the mobile app, and type with all other users who have joined. Then we will expand on the app and create private messaging, in a similar fashion to Facebook Messenger. We are going to be using technologies such as React Native, Socket.IO, Redux, and react-navigation. If you have any questions during the course feel free to message me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

What you'll learn?

- Create a mobile app with React Native and Expo.

- Create a public chatroom app with Socket IO and React Native.

- How to assign usernames to users joining the app.

- How to use React Hooks inside our Chat App.

- ow to use Gifted Chat UI kit to bootstrap the UI.

- How to manage layout on different devices.

- Create a Socket IO backend in Nodejs.

- Create a private messaging app similar to Facebook Messenger.

- How to use Redux to manage state inside React Native.

- How to use react-navigation for navigation inside the mobile app.

- How to use Gifted Chat UI kit with Socket IO backend.


Basic JavaScript ES6.

Who this course is for?

Beginner React developers curious to learn how to make a realtime socket io chat app.

Course content

- Download and Install Nodejs: Download and install Nodejs runtime so you'll be able to run the JavaScript Socket.io backend.

- Download and Install Visual Studio Code.

- Install React Native (Expo) : See how easy it is to get started with Expo in React Native for either iOS or Android on your physical device.

- Initializing our Socket.io backend.

- Listening for connection event in Socket.io backend: Learn how to setup a connection event listener inside the Socket.io backend server with Nodejs and Nodemon.

- Connecting to Socket.io from React Native:In this section you'll be able to connect to the Socket.io backend from your React Native mobile app in either Android/iOS with the useEffect React Hook and socket.io-client package.

- Removing yellow warning in React Native about Socket.io.

- Adding TextInput and saving entered message state : Let's add a TextInput component from React Native so our user can enter in their chat message. Then we'll also learn how to save the state of the entered chat message in React, so we can use it later when we need to send the message. We'll be saving the state using the newest React Hook useState.

- Sending Chat Message to Socket.IO Backend from React Native: Learn how to use the useRef React Hook and how to emit a message event to the Socket.io backend from the React Native client.

- Receiving Message in React Native from Socket.io.

- Installing Gifted Chat and fixing KeyboardAvoidingView in Android.

- Displaying received messages from Socket.io in new UI.

- Security issues to avoid, userId mapping and some house cleaning.

- Implementing userIds and sending full message object from Socket.io.

- Creating Separate Message Event Handler: In this lecture you are going to see how we can separate the concerns or event handlers inside our Socket.io backend, to create a better structure for our Socket.io backend.

- Adding Usernames to Socket.io Backend.

- Creating Join Screen.

- Layout in Join Screen: Let's add some cool icons and a input for the user's desired username inside our React Native client.- Last polishes on Join Screen layout (Promise!).

- Creating JoinChat function and joining chat with usernames!- Fixing issue with unique avatars.

- Intro to section.

- Installing and Using react-navigation.

- Intro to Redux section.

- Adding Redux.

- Dispatching Join Event from JoinScreen.js with Redux: How to dispatch an action with the useDispatch React Hook.

- Navigating to FriendListScreen and fixing keyboard for Android in JoinScreen: Learn how to use react-navigation to navigate to a new screen.

- Getting Users Online from Socket.io into our Redux Store.

- Displaying Users Online in FlatList and handling disconnect event.

- Adding User Avatar and TouchableOpacity to FriendListScreen.

- Navigating to ChatScreen after pressing on User in FriendList.

- Sending Private Message to Socket.io backend.

- Creating selfUser State Property.

- Appending sent messages locally.

- Creating Conversations State Property.

- Sending messages across Socket.IO.

Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android

eduedueduedueduedueduedueduedueduedu: Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android
Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android
Learn how to create a realtime Socket IO Chat App with React Native and Socket IO! by: Stefan Hyltoft. Udemy Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android. Learn how to create a Chat App from scratch using the newest JavaScript-based fullstack technologies! You will first learn quickly how to create a public chat room that any user can join from the mobile app, and type with all other users who have joined. Then we will expand on the app and create private messaging, in a similar fashion to Facebook Messenger. We are going to be using technologies such as React Native, Socket.IO, Redux, and react-navigation. If you have any questions during the course feel free to message me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
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