Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course

Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course
Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course

Learn how scalable vector graphics algorithms work by: Alexandr Tyurin and Alexander Ivlev. Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course. SVG Theory: Language elements, syntax, structure, algorithms and data types. We have created a road map, an educational route that you should follow with our helpSVG Practice: Put the theoretical knowledge into practice. We moved the code from the videos to the homework assignments. You will do them yourself by using video lectures and documentation. Some assignments are graphical and other tasks are called modules and they are consist of HTML and CSS files. At the end of each chapter, you will receive our variant of answers. As a result: SVG knowledge and experience.

What you'll learn?

- You will get theoretical knowledge about scalable vector graphics.

- You will have real practical assignments that you will do by yourself.

- You will learn how the svg algorithms work via visual animated slides. 


The basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Course content

- Introduction.

SVG as an element of the container.

Rectangle element.

Circle and ellipse.


Polyline and polygon elements.

MoveTo, LineTo, ClosePath commands.

The cubic Bézier commands.

Quadratic Bezier Commands.

The elliptical arc curve commands.

Add styles to an SVG.

he CSS rules specificity.

Geometry properties and presentation attributes.

Geometry properties: in-depth part 1.

Geometric properties: in-depth pt. 2.

Geometry properties in-depth pt.3.

The coordinate systems and the viewBox.

The viewBox and transformations.

The preserveAspectRatio attribute: In this lesson, you will learn the role of the preserveAspectRatio attribute and how it effects on a displaying graphics.

Create a new viewport.

Types of elements.

The group element g: In this lesson, we will learn how to use a group element and why we should do it.

Reusable content.

Use Element.

The paint operations.

Fill properties.

Stroke properties: stroke, stroke-width.

Stroke properties: stroke-linecup, stroke-linejoin.

Stroke properties: stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffsetMarkers.

Bounding box.

Paint Servers.


Linear Gradient: the vector of attributes. 

Linear Gradient: other Attributes.

Radial gradient.


Who this course is for?

Web developers who want to increase and deepen their knowledge in scalable vector graphics.


Jonathan Silver: "I like the course. Originally made. I look at the lessons, then complete the tasks".

Faruk Abdulla Munshi: "I completed HTML, CSS and js without learning much about SVG because no lessons give much time in it. So I was looking for a course, especially for SVG. I got this fantastic course. Just Awesome!!!".

Michael Schmidt: "Regarding that it's a free course it is a very nice introduction to SVG!".

Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course

eduedueduedueduedueduedueduedueduedu: Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course
Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course
Learn how scalable vector graphics algorithms work by: Alexandr Tyurin and Alexander Ivlev. Udemy SVG Fundamental Academy Course. SVG Theory: Language elements, syntax, structure, algorithms and data types. We have created a road map, an educational route that you should follow with our help. SVG Practice: Put the theoretical knowledge into practice. We moved the code from the videos to the homework assignments. You will do them yourself by using video lectures and documentation. Some assignments are graphical and other tasks are called modules and they are consist of HTML and CSS files. At the end of each chapter, you will receive our variant of answers. As a result: SVG knowledge and experience.
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